Emitted when all models have been downloaded after a subscription change that required additional models to be downloaded.
The event emitted will be an [[OfflineModelsDownloadCompletedEvent]]
Emitted whenever a change to the set of subscribed models results in new models needing to be downloaded.
The event emitted will be an [[OfflineModelsDownloadPendingEvent]].
Emitted when the number of models to download changes either because of a successful download or a change to the subscription.
The event emitted will be an [[OfflineModelsDownloadProgressEvent]]
Emitted when the offline model synchronization process aborts.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelsSyncAbortedEvent
Emitted when all local offline changes have been synchronized with the. server.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelsSyncCompletedEvent
Emitted when the number of outstanding models to synchronize has changed.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelsSyncProgressEvent
Emitted when local offline changes to models are being synchronized with the server.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelsSyncStartedEvent.
Emitted when an already downloaded offline model is deleted.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelDeletedEvent.
Emitted when an already downloaded offline model's permissions are updated and the local user no longer has read permissions.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelPermissionsRevokedEvent.
Emitted when a model is initially downloaded after it was first subscribed to offline.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelStatusChangedEvent
Emitted when all local offline changes have been synchronized with the. server.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelSyncCompletedEvent
Emitted a particular model encounters an error during the resync process.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelSyncErrorEvent
Emitted local offline changes to models are being synchronized with the server.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelSyncStartedEvent.
Emitted whenever a model that is subscribed to offline is updated via the periodic background synchronization process.
The event emitted will be an OfflineModelUpdatedEvent
The complete list of events that could be emitted by the ModelService.