Emitted when this element becomes detached, which typically happens when the element is removed from its parent. An ElementDetachedEvent is the actual emitted event.
Emitted when a new value is inserted into a RealTimeArray. The emitted event is an ArrayInsertEvent.
Emitted when any child element of this element has a change. See ModelChangedEvent for details.
Emitted when a remote reference is created on this RealTimeElement. See RemoteReferenceCreatedEvent for the actual emitted event.
Emitted when an existing value is removed from a RealTimeArray. See ArrayRemoveEvent for the actual emitted event.
Emitted when the ordering of a RealTimeArray changes. See ArrayReorderEvent for the actual emitted event.
Emitted when a value is set on an RealTimeArray. See ArraySetEvent for the actual emitted event.
Emitted when the entire value of a RealTimeArray is set, meaning its entire contents were replaced (or initially set). See ArraySetValueEvent for the actual emitted event.
The events that could be emitted by a RealTimeArray or HistoricalArray.