Emitted when a model is closed locally. The actual event emitted is a ModelClosedEvent.
Emitted when another user closes this model. The actual event is a CollaboratorClosedEvent.
Emitted when another user opens this model. The actual event is a CollaboratorOpenedEvent.
Emitted when the server acknowledges a local modification. Note that
multiple modifications may be batched together into a single
response from the server. See https://forum.convergence.io/t/behavior-of-model-version/16/4
Emitted when a model is deleted. The actual event emitted is a ModelDeletedEvent.
Emitted immediately when a local modification is made to a model. The emitted event is an ModelModifiedEvent.
Emitted when this model goes offline. The actual emitted event is a ModelOfflineEvent.
Emitted when this model comes back online after being offline. The actual emitted event is a ModelOfflineEvent.
Emitted when the permissions on this model change. The actual emitted event is a ModelPermissionsChangedEvent.
Emitted when the model is attempting to reconnect to the server after being offline. This only has to to with the connection; see RESYNC_STARTED and RESYNC_COMPLETED for data reconciliation events.
The actual emitted event is a ModelReconnectingEvent.
Emitted when a Remote Reference is created on this model with RealTimeModel.elementReference.
The actual emitted event is a RemoteReferenceCreatedEvent.
Emitted when a remote client has started a resync . The actual emitted event is a RemoteResyncCompletedEvent.
Emitted when a remote client has started a resync . The actual emitted event is a RemoteResyncStartedEvent.
Emitted when the resync process ends. The actual emitted event is a ResyncCompletedEvent.
Emitted when the resync process encounters an error. The actual event is a ResyncErrorEvent.
Emitted when the resync process begins. This automatically happens when a client becomes disconnected and accumulates local changes that must be reconciled with the server.
The actual event emitted is a ResyncStartedEvent.
Emitted when the version of this model changes. This could happen from a local or remote change to this model. The actual emitted event is a VersionChangedEvent.
The complete list of events that could be emitted by a RealTimeModel.